
Breaking up with Sugar was easier than I thought

Playing around with changing what and how much I eat isn’t new for me and I have settled on basically healthy organic foods, increasingly self grown.

Once in my life I went on a 2 week diet to prepare/purify for an important event. It was lemon juice maple syrup, and it was the worst food experience I ever had because it permanently shifted my body’s metabolism, my gums were bleeding. I did lose a lot of weight but I didn’t feel purified.

I now do intermittent fasting, as in I basically never have breakfast and don’t usually eat before 10am at the earliest, often not till noon.

I came across  Eric Edmeades  through a Mindvalley Masterclass. I liked him, his approach and presentation. Then a friend of mine signed up for the whole 3 month WilfFit program and shared a few things. Wow, this guy is brilliant in how he goes about it. Then his mini quest: & days to Breaking up with Sugar” was made free, and I took it.

Click here for it

Eric  makes sooooo much sense. Anyhow, it was not the super easiest week because I love my little sweet treats. While I had been maintaining a good weight, there was this belly fat that just would not leave. Sticking with the week’s experiment was easier than expected, and surprisingly, it stuck. I now still have some fruit, also sweet potatoes and some bread, but not treats and slowly that fat is being burned. After lunch there still is the faint desire for sweet, but not having it is easy. And overall, I feel better, have more energy.

I highly recommend this quest to anyone who is struggling with weight, their relationship with food, is prediabetic or who just wants to stop putting a very destructive, addictive substance into their body. You’ll  learn a lot at the very least.

Is there more to a healthy “diet”? Yes, but breaking up with sugar is a very good start.


Apples according to sweetness

Best Nutrition for the human body – 001

Recently I made a commitment to write nutritional, holistic wellbeing posts regularly. This is the first, short and sweet.

I have this image about apples in my files, from somewhere on the internet, there was no credit given, so I don’t know who made it. I thought it was interesting. How is it relevant? Sugar, just notice it.


healing from c-PTSD Let The Healing Begin Nutrition

How to change your beliefs

How to change your beliefs?

Understand what a belief is and where it comes from.

Know that you can change your beliefs.

Choose a new belief.

Do a practice to install your new belief and establish your life that expresses that belief.

If you would like to know more, contact me via the IDHHB contact page.

or send me a message at

Let The Healing Begin Nutrition

How to turn your health around

How do you do that? – Turning your health around?

It starts with your nutrition, both what you take in on a physical level as well as emotional/mental impressions that go into your system.

Let’s start with the physical aspect of what actually nourishes our physical bodies

First consideration is:

gardening Let The Healing Begin Nutrition

Baby steps – growing through insight

Baby steps and zoom meeting offer

Okay, so I wrote these 2 pages/posts about best nutrition and getting started with growing your own food and I got one comment something like: “can you take me by the hand and use baby steps?” that I am responding to. It might even get a little personal in the process.


This beauty was perfect inside and out and tasted fantastic. It weighed in at about 765 grams (that is 1 lb and 11 oz)
gardening Let The Healing Begin Nutrition

Inspired to Grow

Is it time for you to up your nutritional game?

Who does not want to be healthy and feel vibrantly alive? The food you eat is a crucial aspect of health, abundant energy and mental clarity and focus.

Is it time for YOU to up your nutritional game, make different food choices and  grow a LOT more of  your own, pesticide free food?

If you are on this site, you probably know that for your own optimal  health and well-being eating pesticide free food grown in alive, healthy, mineral rich soil is best. It is  vital for your general health, immunological and gut health as well as mental health…and equally so for  your family, the farm workers, the  environment and wildlife, the planet in general.

The vision I am sharing here with you is:

To create a stunningly beautiful and abundantly productive 100% pesticide free food, herb and flower garden – nourishing body and soul and in harmony with nature.

  • Provide nutrient rich fresh produce year-round for the local community and visitors.
  • Create lots of spaces within that garden for native plants, beneficial insects, birds, amphibians and more.
  • Inspire deep respect for nature and what she has to offer us.
  • Create a beautiful harmonious garden oasis that nourishes the soul and energetic level of being for all who visit or see pictures of it.
  • Grow herbs and medicinal plants for sale.
  • Make seeds available to the community nationwide.

Grown without use of any pesticides (the property I am volunteering on has never seen pesticides) and with companion plants for beneficial insects, interspersed native plants and native bees. So what can YOU do now, today, this week,  to up your nutritional game?


Should you take supplements, yes or no?

Should we take supplements these days?

My basic disposition in regards to any  kind of commercial supplement in pill, tablet or powder form as part of regular everyday nutrition is: no.

Nature provides.

There is a caveat however, a condition!   

It is a no to supplements ONLY if you can obtain nutrient packed non-toxic food  and herbs which provide all the body needs for optimal functioning, and at the same time not ingesting anything poisonous or toxic, and therein lays the rub.

Is that a YES for you?

I  don’t know anyone personally who manages to live off air or sun light or just energy, without eating any kind of conventional food, and so, I am disregarding this option for now and will only consider what we normally understand by “food”.

Second, YOU must do/eat what your intuition and best knowledge of yourself and your life suggest to stay healthy – and ethical. In addition, food is medicine – There is a plant growing for anything and everything.

Side question: Is anyone truly healthy if they are unethical? What kind of health is that?

Is it even still possible in the “Western” “civilized” world to actually eat healthy, get all the nutrients we need, even if the food is all organic, which is a step removed from the totally commercial agriculture?

Degradation/depletion of the soil and  destruction of ecosystems has lead to a

drop in vital nutrients in our food over the last 70 years. Soils are not only deficient now, compared to what even or grandparents got. They are also generally depleted in microorganic life .

Non-organic crops are contaminated with pesticides.

Morally or ethically, if you don’t agree with the treatment of farm animals as object without feelings, especially in modern commercial agriculture, and are going towards a plant based diet,  how can you get adequate protein and Vit B 12?

Stress level and pace in modern live is also up and we might have a different nutrient requirement just because of that.

And no, thinking about a certain type of diet I have seen advertised and promoted, I don’t believe humans are designed to live on fruits alone. If you have to take a bunch or supplements, then that tells me, no, we are not meant to or ready yet to live off fruits alone.

Back to my own case. So here I am on a no meat, no fish, 99.9 % no dairy all plant based diet except  for my own garden chicken eggs and I am  not becoming a breatharian or solarian.

I have not taken supplements of any kind in “forever”. There was a sporadic attempt, an occasional high dose Vitamin C, but especially in the last 16 years, none.

But lately – I see, and feel and notice,  and it may be age related, that there as been a LOT of body pain in the last 4 years. Some of it has nothing to do with nutrition, but, even though organic, I might not be eating enough of that green stuff. I was hurting a lot these days, and, when I try to build my strength, I can feel in the muscle that there just isn’t energy for it, like push ups. It feels like not enough juice in there and lately, the muscles hurt earlier. I am looking for more strenght, stamina, vitality and much less pain.

So the question arose again in these last few weeks: Is it time for supplements? And this time, the answer was yes, maybe it is time for a trial, like 2-4 months?

The answer being YES, then what, which, and from whom? Luckily I recently encountered some new people and companies via FB and links.

This brings me to ETERNUS – supports cell energy for better aging  from the Neurohacker Collective.

The MAIN reasons I have finally ordered is because

  • I believe in the integrity of the people/company, they seem to walk their talk.
  • They have done research.
  • Because of this: Recently I listened to a podcast with Daniel Schmachtenberger. He said something like: “In the process of widening and deepening the circle of and depth for caring, you go visit an animal factory farming facility and after seeing that, you have to ask yourself: ”….fuck, in what system of mine is there any success as long as these beings (animals?) are suffering like this. …”. I hope that was the quote exactly”. for me, if you don’t care about animals enough to treat them with the highest ethic and regard, I am having a hard time giving you my money.

And I read a few other things online and I just feel aligned with responsibility, transparency, best practice, benevolence, knowledge and am willing to trust them. I read reviews, and checked out competitors (not too much).

And yes, there is advertisement, entrepreneurship and frankly, I want them to make a ton of money because I feel they would put it to good use for humankind. I admit, another belief and willingness to trust.

So I decided on trying Eternus – supports cell energy for better aging. Neurohacker Collective.

and I am gonna test that.

no new changes in diet, or jobs, or living conditions or exercise. I have been using some CBD cream for my back or shoulder for about 8 months, off and on.

and so ….there was that price hurdle ….ah, here starts the review of the actual buying experience, see it here on another post…..coming soon, i am waiting…

I loved it

Next, I am taking aminos from Kion.

Another experiment.


Eating and your body awareness

Some thoughts on “diet” and your body awareness

Diet is a strange thing prone to fads in some countries – i see images of food from traveling friends and more often than not am amazed at the quality of food they show…vibrant, veggies fruits nuts spices…. …let us assume we are not eating for addictive and comfort reasons….(ya i know) – butter made from grassfed animals is a healthy source of fats (myself, i got some because i personally know the cow…her name is Bessie – so I am strictly speaking, not vegan this month), I noticed my body wanted to soak it up. I also am not buying into the whole grain bread is bad thing (celiacs the exception) – or fruit sugar when consumed with the whole fruit or eggs from free range hens, especially being allowed to have their natural and not overbred egg laying rhythm.
Tt is a matter of being honest with yourself and your body and knowing when it does well/better, what nourishes it to the point of high energy and well being. knowing when eating is out of habit or comfort or taste pleasure or staying fixated on some idea or philosophy. admitting that many days the body actually does not want or need to have more food and skipping meals is really the thing to do.