Fawn Resting

It is during the Distance Energy Healing events that it became very clear that in order to allow healing energies to flow through and nourish and reconfigure your energy bodies, a certain feeling of safety/relaxation/trust is necessary.

For anyone participating in the healing event, it is simple: if you are seated or lying down somewhere and are able to hear the transmission, chances are you are in a place where you can feel safe enough to relax and allow energy flow to happen.

Feeling safe is important in order to take in nourishment and grow. This is true for single cells as well as entire organisms, us humans included. Growing and moving forward towards nourishment and retreating and defending – cannot happen at the same time.

The resting fawn is a reminder to recognize “safe enough” in our lives

to allow our body and soul to relax and take in the nourishment it needs

to live, grow and love.

I love deer. This painting is of a fawn resting.  Fawns are very vulnerable, and in fact, for the first few days of their lives, they just stay put when alone and approached. That is just a survival strategy, not triggering the prey drive of any predator, which they don’t have the skill and speed to escape yet.

Generally, deer in the forests and meadows are really never totally safe, not really. Yet, they rest, graze and play, grow and live their lives as they were meant to do.  The resting fawn reminds me that a lot of times, safe enough is good enough. Our world is not safe, not really. But, a lot of the time, it is safe enough! .

The image also stimulates a sense of vulnerability and tenderness towards this little being, feelings that we can also direct towards the parts of ourselves we have tried to hide for as long as we can remember. Parts that might need to be freed and allowed to grow. Part that need your presence.

Fawn Resting – a symbol and beautiful reminder of: Safe Enough – for us to allow needed rest and relaxation, nourishment, love and opening to high vibrational transformational energy flow.

Check it out on Distance Energy Healing – live online here Fridays at 10:30am PT.

A lot of the times in our lives it is safe enough to relax, breathe slowly, appreciate and take in the nourishment around you.

Check in, listen, breathe, slow down.

When rest and stillness are indicated, rest and be still and trust the universe.

Relax into the space and  Let The Healing Begin

Notice the Transformation