
Only you can be you – forever unique to love like only you can

Kitchen time – that day when “Suffering of the Absolute” gained another dimension of understanding.
When what I have heard many times, that the Absolute actually needs our help, and in fact depends on us for that help, makes a different kind of sense.
Later I decided to use an AI image program. Learned a bunch trying to generate the images, mostly about myself, not just in prompt writing. Turns out though that in both cases I ended up picking the first one made.
This morning:
“Our kitchen here is very special. In the space this morning as I was preparing lunch, it started with: considerations about the way we compare ourselves to others, the way I sometimes do and how futile it is and how it can cause totally unnecessary suffering when one does.
Then there was the idea, concept of G*d being everywhere in everyone and everything and that what anyone experiences somewhere, sometime, is on some level experienced by all.
By then opening happens and true celebration of what anyone experiences is possible.
And from there this vision of so many people all over the world through all times, rich and poor, happy and desperate, moving fast and moving slow…and everyone unique and every single one, no matter what happened in their early life, the culture or caste born in, has the potential to transform, to realize, to evolve their humanness to a point, and this it where it moves a little beyond words, to offer, to love, to pray, to be in communion with the Absolute, with God.
It doesn’t really matter what circumstances you were born into, each and every one is yearingly awaited by God to be able to see it (him.her), to love it, to recognize it and to become one.
The uniqueness of you is That, the uniqueness of you within and as the ground of Being. Through your conscious evolution, your embracing and integrating your shadow, a transformation becomes possible and that can actually relieve the suffering of the Absolute. And the infinite really depends on YOU, every single one, no matter what the experience of conventional upbringing was, GOD depends on YOU for that becoming, that help. The Absolute really does need our conscious human help, as weird as that may sound to some.
You do have to become capable and willing to help, willing probably being the more important, as if you are willing, the necessary transformations, or conditions for it, will arise in your life almost miraculously.
And in that grand scheme of things, helping others is the only thing that makes any sense here on earth, but by that what is meant is real help.
Most importantly…that which creates all …might be waiting for YOU in all your uniqueness…to see it, love it. Become who only you in all time and space can be and….love it back.
Anyway, I thought I’d share this. It might be useful to someone.