What is Healing


What follows below is excerpted from the upcoming book.

 What Does Healing Mean?

This is a partial excerpt from the same chapter in the book:

Basically, healing is the process of becoming whole, or, more correctly – the process of realizing your wholeness.

Before going further with the question of what healing means, one might wonder: Why heal at all? Can’t we accept how things are now, how the world is now and how we are now?

Yes, there is an “enoughness” and perfection in NOW and what is happening, that would make healing unnecessary. Everything is indeed just as it is and it is perfect. That is one side of the coin and if you bring all your presence and attention to the NOW, you’d be well off. That is, however, not where you might find yourself, and there are many modalities or healing work that we humans may need on our way to becoming whole, or even functional, in life.

People are on various stages of growth and development. They are of different types and there are different kinds of trauma impacting us on various stages in life. Likewise, there are many levels and layers of healing.

In order to understand energy healing, it helps to be aware that humans are made of energy in the form of various bodies, from the physical, emotional, to various levels of energy bodies and the soul level.

Let’s see: say you have a toothache – you ignore it as long as you can, but it is now starting to quite interfere with your ability to function. You are not a bad person, it is fine, and at some point you will take steps to get it handled. Some physical ailments really need the attention of the medical system.

Or, there has been a lot of stress in your life, and you feel out of whack, your back hurts more each day and you start to be very very grumpy. At some point, you decide to go see your acupuncturist to re-balance your energy, take some herbs and start doing exercises for your back.

You have a bad belly ache, nausea and vomiting – hm, this does not make you a bad person either, but you decide to get a medical opinion and next thing you know, you are diagnosed with appendicitis.

Energy work is like that, too. If there are blockages in the energy field, or there is a lot of “crud” in there – it can lead to psycho-emotional and physical symptoms, dis-ease, which makes it difficult to do what you need to do. So you decide to get some re-balancing and charging of your energy field. That will make it easier for your body to self- heal.

You have been told by the doctors that there is nothing they can do. You are working with alternative medicine – but now, you ask others to pray for you.

Maybe you have been diagnosed with PTSD or complex PTSD, and nothing helped but a therapy dog to get you back on track.

All these measures are to restore your health and well-being. While these days most people associate healing with the physical body, the most profound is often the restoration of wholeness in the spiritual sense.

Please take a moment to reflect: What does healing mean to you? What images come up for you when you imagine healing?

In your view – is there a difference in the common meaning of: being healthy vs. being whole? You can speak it: “I feel healthy”, pause, then “I feel whole” – does it feel the same or does it mean the same to you?

The word “heal” comes from the word “hal” – and whole, holy, heal, heil all have the same Indo-Germanic word origin.

Healing means to make whole, becoming whole. It is a process of restoration of physical and spiritual integrity from a state of suffering, fragmentation or illness. Being whole, being healed, implies a non-brokenness, a non-fragmentation, an integrity, which then allows for functioning at the highest level that it can be. Some consider this really the essence of it.

To heal is to make/become whole, to re-integrate disowned parts into who you recognize as “you” and to enable energy to flow freely.

For a certain level of functioning on any given level of being, a certain degree of wholeness, integration and consciousness need to be there, and if that is not yet the case, healing may need to happen. Healing may be needed in Growth and Transformation.

You could find yourself doing well for a particular stage, place and time, and then, in your growth process, find that more integration, or a higher degree of healing, wholeness and integrated beingness is necessary to function at the next level. This movement into a higher level often is accompanied by a, more or less, rocky period in which “you” die to the old level only to reassemble, reintegrate yourself on the next higher level, ultimately, to include more and more of yourself until there is nothing excluded.

We – humans, our bodies – are built for healing and we are capable of transformation. Healing is taking on a whole new meaning in this age of science and spirituality coming together. No longer is “fixing” the body the only goal. In fact, many modern ailments are not “fixable” by traditional pill-oriented medicine.

In this age of humanity, it is time to “level up”, to speak with gaming language, to make it on the planet. And those of you who are gamers, you know going to the next level means: coming to terms with the final level “boss monster”. That is a struggle our world finds itself in these days.

Of course, one could go to consciousness first and, since spirit is senior to matter, go from there. In any case, to be better equipped for the happenings of our times, we may need to level-up.


Healing may need to be physical, emotional, or on various levels of psychological and energy fields. It may be needed in the thinking process and belief system. And it includes the spiritual aspects of a being. Dreams often reveal parts of ourselves that lie in the unconscious, waiting to be integrated into the whole of who we are. Even everyday dreaming is essential to our health and well-being on many levels.


Much has been written in books and on the web on healing modalities of all sorts. In recent years, many high tech devices have been added, as well as color, light and vibrational modalities for healing. In addition, research in neuroscience is coming up with astounding results. There has been research into meditation and brain changes, nutrition and the microbiome and so much more. We’ll be exploring some of those in the course of an adventure elsewhere. I just thought I’d introduce the general concept of “healing” here.

You may have heard of the placebo effect, where people get better because they think they are getting medication. That is the same as: Your belief has helped you.

Here is THE most important part of healing: awakening. It all is, in the end, a matter of consciousness and energy. There are simply many ways to do it and sometimes the path is littered with many little awakenings, sometimes there are very major events, and sometimes it is both. One ingredient is necessary: you have to want it. Your being has to agree. And let those sleep who don’t want to become aware.

Some souls come in with a certain wholeness, others need to first do what might be called “soul” retrievals.

How can you be whole – without including all parts of yourself? And how can you include all parts of yourself without being aware of them? Yes exactly. After a while, the self you are aware of just gets bigger and bigger, more and more inclusive.

Growing up Catholic, I remember this: what you have done to the least of my brethren, you have done to me. Today what this means to me is: it is ALL God, the body of Christ – and anything done to anyone, to all sentient beings and to anything anywhere – is done to G*D.

Love your neighbor as your Self – not like you would love yourself…but AS your Self… because they are your Self… as is everything and everyone… the universe still is all One. And it is all prefect.

And, on some levels of this dance of everything, sometimes healing like we think of as healing – is what needs to be danced.

When working with a healer, or sacred circles and ceremonies, there is often the possibility to experience high states of being through deep relaxation and resonance.

Even if you think all of the universe is a mathematical something or other, a game, a sim, healing methods still apply. Within the game, you can rewrite your own programming.

If you are a Labyrinth Reader and also look at what modern physics is telling us: it really all is swirling patterns of light in infinite extension, forever waves unless observed and the observer determines the state of the particle. Have we begun to see what that could mean?

To treat the root cause of illness and energetic imbalances, energy needs to move. It is crucial to move stuck energy, and energy work/healing is just one way to do this.

Given what is coming to light these days regarding the DNA, quantum physics, parallel worlds and multiverses and the whole idea of integral practice, the development of humans that is possible might be pretty much unexplored and unimaginable at this time. Part of the healing process is simply becoming a harmonious human being. From there, possibilities appear to be mind-blowing. You will need to learn to vibrate with different frequencies, higher frequencies. You will need to monitor and yes, change the thoughts that lower your frequencies.

Energy Healing can get things moving, removing the foothold for physical ailments, and it still takes your self-knowledge and attitude and willingness to change more permanently towards a healthier, more whole and vibrant you. You want it to stick. In the end, you will need to learn to manage the energy you are, and this includes your body, thoughts and feelings. To build new internal circuitry might be needed to manifest a more whole you. It will not only require your participation, it will require you to become totally responsible.

Just as it took many repetitions to build your first habits, it will take many repetitions to replace them with other, healthier default pathways.

Western medicine does not help you discover where your greatness lies or invite you to go to the next level of what you are capable of.

In your healing, you will need to become responsible and take care of all aspects of your self, asking for and getting help when needed.

I am providing a weekly online space where you can start or deepen your journey.

For some, healed means to be truly home, to be one with the source of all, to have realized your true nature.

Join us on the path Fridays at 10:30 am on gorebaggtv https://livestream.com/gorebaggtv/DistanceEnergyHealing

Word Origin and History for heal. v. Old English hælan “cure; save; make whole, sound and well,” from Proto-Germanic *hailjan (cf. Old Saxon helian, Old Norse heila, Old Frisian hela, Dutch helen, German heilen, Gothic ga-hailjan “to heal, cure”), literally “to make whole” (see health).


To understand the whole, it is necessary to understand the parts. To understand the parts, it is necessary to understand the whole. Such is the circle of understanding. We move from part to whole and back again, and in that dance of comprehension, in that amazing circle of understanding, we come alive to meaning, to value, and to vision: the very circle of understanding guides our way, weaving together the pieces, healing the fractures, mending the torn and tortured fragments, lighting the way ahead—this extraordinary movement from part to whole and back again, with healing the hallmark of each and every step, and grace the tender reward.”


~ Ken Wilber

The Eye of Spirit

To join the Distance Energy Healing, check in Fridays at 10:30 am on gorebaggtv https://livestream.com/gorebaggtv/DistanceEnergyHealing

You can also find general information as well as posts about the ongoing weekly  online Distance Energy Healing here: https://distance-energy-healing-with-dok.com/