ai Energy work gardening

Gardening is archaic and ai is gonna rule the world

Things are changing – there is a huge energy shift for humanity happening. Gardening is archaic and ai is gonna rule the world . hopefully with us humans at the helm

This is a rather long musing, somewhat uncharacteristic of my buzz contributions, which it is for June 2023, but bear with me.

Lately I have felt in some sort of limbo voyaging space from which it was not possible to create any useful social media postings or writings. Luckily facebook provides memories to share.

As many, or, as the case may be, some of you know, I love nature and holistic gardening as well as have been keeping chickens. This is springtime and I have been spending a lot of time there doing a lot of gardening work like soil building, seed starts, planting, tending, maintaining.

Lately, something felt different, not sure what to call it, something felt odd, out of space, out of time and then one day this realization while being in some clear space: what I, this old body-mind was doing in gardening was archaic. It was ancient, it was of a different time, a different level, a different world. It was as if I was looking back at it from a new place or level. I felt outside that old time.

I thought to myself, well, could it be that you simply – finally –


Only you can be you – forever unique to love like only you can

Kitchen time – that day when “Suffering of the Absolute” gained another dimension of understanding.
When what I have heard many times, that the Absolute actually needs our help, and in fact depends on us for that help, makes a different kind of sense.
Later I decided to use an AI image program. Learned a bunch trying to generate the images, mostly about myself, not just in prompt writing. Turns out though that in both cases I ended up picking the first one made.
This morning:
“Our kitchen here is very special. In the space this morning as I was preparing lunch, it started with: considerations about the way we compare ourselves to others, the way I sometimes do and how futile it is and how it can cause totally unnecessary suffering when one does.
Then there was the idea, concept of G*d being everywhere in everyone and everything and that what anyone experiences somewhere, sometime, is on some level experienced by all.
By then opening happens and true celebration of what anyone experiences is possible.
And from there this vision of so many people all over the world through all times, rich and poor, happy and desperate, moving fast and moving slow…and everyone unique and every single one, no matter what happened in their early life, the culture or caste born in, has the potential to transform, to realize, to evolve their humanness to a point, and this it where it moves a little beyond words, to offer, to love, to pray, to be in communion with the Absolute, with God.
It doesn’t really matter what circumstances you were born into, each and every one is yearingly awaited by God to be able to see it (him.her), to love it, to recognize it and to become one.
The uniqueness of you is That, the uniqueness of you within and as the ground of Being. Through your conscious evolution, your embracing and integrating your shadow, a transformation becomes possible and that can actually relieve the suffering of the Absolute. And the infinite really depends on YOU, every single one, no matter what the experience of conventional upbringing was, GOD depends on YOU for that becoming, that help. The Absolute really does need our conscious human help, as weird as that may sound to some.
You do have to become capable and willing to help, willing probably being the more important, as if you are willing, the necessary transformations, or conditions for it, will arise in your life almost miraculously.
And in that grand scheme of things, helping others is the only thing that makes any sense here on earth, but by that what is meant is real help.
Most importantly…that which creates all …might be waiting for YOU in all your uniqueness…to see it, love it. Become who only you in all time and space can be and….love it back.
Anyway, I thought I’d share this. It might be useful to someone.

Do you really create your reality?

Morning musing about : “You create your reality”
At various times and in different places I have come across this new agey-type of saying: you create your reality, and for stuff happening in your life: you created this.
And internally go “what”? There is something rather BS (bullshit) about that and some people use this to excuse their own (hidden) cruelty.
Of course, it does depend who you think you are, who you identify with. For most people on this planet, identified with the person they manifest as, that statement just isn’t true. There are totally lots of things NOT in your control, big nature things for example, things other people do. Even if you can identify with the whole, you still are not personally creating everything around you.
This however is only one side of the coin. Because, you absolutely do create your experience of reality, or, you create your reality. Your vibration attracts a like vibration. Who and what you are vibrating as, will come into your life. But, a lot of people don’t know what is even meant by that – vibrating as….what does that mean?
Here is another way of looking at it. Stuff happens. How you react or respond to it is 100% your doing, consciously or unconsciously. How you perceive what is happening, how you interpret it, your actions because of it, your feelings about it, your thoughts about it all all 100% UP TO YOU. There is no excuse, you can never put that on anyone else.
Even stuff that happened to you as a child, and left deep marks in your being, and even though it was not your fault, it is NOW only you who is responsible to interpret, feel, make stories about, make different stories about, use it, move beyond. It is absolutely only YOU who decides to stay in victim mentality. Life begins when excuses stop. Not sure who said this first, I heard it from a friend decades ago. “Transformation is 100 % attitudinal” – quote from E.J. Gold.
If you feel stuck, either you like it that way enough to stay stuck….or, you do something about it, even if only ask for help to get unstuck. You can always ask the divine for help, always intend with all your heart and then be willing to take action when the help arrives.
You do create your (perception of, experience of) reality. If you want a different one, it does not happen passively resignedly waiting for it. You need to start vibration/feeling differently, orient differently, learn, take action. You can start by orienting towards gratitude and the beauty around you, start feeling everything inside you, marvel at the sheer miracle of the human body-mind. Chose to feel differently. You can also accept it follow the thought or feeling all the way to the bottom, the origin and notice what happens then. But that too was a choice, and active part of you, to investigate, to be curious.
Everyone, but everyone anywhere in any circumstance has the opportunity to turn from separation towards that which is commonly called G*D. When it is your time, you will do it. And no one and nothing can make you do it or keep you from it.
Where you are on that journey is your unique journey. You are not stuck. Reality has plasticity, it moves and is malleable. Our brains are not fixed in their pathways. Those got created and can be un-created. How you interpret what seems to be happening around you is up to you. Your perception does create the reality you live in. How you perceive, how open you are, is related to how you vibrate. …and what you put out is what you get back…you can attune yourself, align yourself with a different vibration and therefore reality.
It is necessary to refocus from “out there” to what is inside you.
What is it you focus on? Do you like the results? If not, try this: focus on something different….”Focus on your focus” – E.J. Gold
A long time ago I came across this poem by Stephen K. Hayes. I remember it like this: “Do not talk to me of that which could have been. All that was is all that could have been. No more, no less. Let us level our gaze and more purposefully into today.
Blessings to all

New Hierarchy of Needs

The Pyramid of the New Hierarchy of Needs for the development of a Human Being

You may have heard about or even seen Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs pyramid.

For a while now I have disagreed with it. Based on my own life experience and understanding, I think it is wrong and have made a new one that I feel is more accurate.

The intention for this had been incubating for a while now, but the actual idea of the graphic came through today.

I had to face my non-existent virtual graphic design skills and opted to draw the image and photograph it. I had to look up the math on an equilateral triangle too :).

You will see the basic needs, underlying every phase of human life are: connection, food and shelter.

No one can develop his or her true potential without it.

With connection I mean connection to self, other and the higher/divine/unseen/subtle realms/God. Food includes what we take in air, water, food, impressions. Shelter is, well, shelter from harm.

Here my first version

Language classes

English and German zoom classes

This year I began offering German and English classes.

German: some knowledge required. Konversationsdeutsch, Tuesdays 11 am – 11:30 am PT

English: beginner English as a foreign  language. TEFL certified

I don’t charge for the course. You can inquire on my facebook page.

Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dreaming course starting

Our small group just finished a segment on how to keep your immunity in top shape by giving your body what it needs and now, it is time for our Lucid Dreaming course…in English and with Spanish translation.

Orientation is this coming Friday, May 21, 2021.

The email will go out through IDHHB, I posted in on facebook, but unfortunately, I forgot how to post in Instagram from a PC (as some of you know, I don’t have a cell phone, never did except when they first came out in the 90ties and I was on call every other day.) But,  I digress,  below is the note and  zoom invite/registration link for the orientation meeting.

Time is getting close for the start of the Lucid Dreaming segment of the Friday morning DEH (Distance Energy Healing).
What is lucid dreaming?
Why would you want to do it?
And, how does one do it anyway?

These three questions will keep us busy with the DEH Lucid Dreaming practice for at least 6-8 weeks.

If you are interested – or, just want to find out more – join us Friday, May 21, Distance Energy Healing with Dok, – Explorations into Consciousness.

This orientation event is open to all. You can register in advance for this event: Lucid Dreaming Orientation Zoom meeting.

When: May 21, 2021 11:00 AM -Noon Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for the orientation.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

During the orientation event, you will get a chance to experience the format, space and learn more about how we will be exploring Lucid Dreaming in this course.

If you ever wondered what lucid dreaming is, why you might want to be able to do it, how it could change your life, how to use it in a spiritual way, how you can use it to explore your mind and states of being and – how to actually do it, come on in.

The Lucid Dreaming Course will be held on Fridays 11am -12 noon PT for 6-8 weeks.

“It feels like such an important and useful tool in a variety of ways and the impulse to teach it has been growing stronger lately – so here it is. All are welcome – however, minors need to be accompanied by a parent. I hope to see you there.” – A note from Dok, aka Christiane.

CLCs - Conscious Life Creates

Conscious Life Creates

The first online mention of Conscious Life Creates, but, more in the next post.

The world is playing out as it is, quite chaotically atm, and people are taking up their roles in it. What is yours?

For me, one of the things I am focusing on is working to manifest a local garden that has room for other living beings. There is learning involved, inner work and a lot of physical work. The role might be described as creator and harmonizer.

With this garden, I do have a goal in mind, however, it is better to focus on the process, not the outcome. This shifts a lot.

Some people are living a life very different from mine, in countries far away, and are speaking of anchoring new energies, a higher level of being. I see images of beautiful beaches and flowing dresses. Okay, what if your life path isn’t living in a tropical country at the beach? How would I want to anchor energies of a higher vibration or dimension? One thing is for sure, inner work is part of the deal for me. A strong, clear physical/mental/emotional vessel can conduct energy differently and on a higher and larger scale.

You can follow this site or the CW Holistic Health and Healing FB page for tips and “CLCs” Conscious Life Creates. Or you can follow one of our adventures on  the FB page Chicks and Weeds – Holistic Gardening with Chickens.

gardening Miscellaneous musings sadhana and transformation

Winter Solstice 2020

Winter Solstice 2020

A time when nature in the Northern hemisphere is slowed, processing inwards, underground, incubating, quiet. Soon the internet will be flooded with pictures of the 2 planets, the Christmas star of 2020, everyone trying to get that great shot, at the end of this year like no other in recent memory.

Me: a picture of a garden from the frozen ground to which the great mother invited me today via slippery frozen crystals and had me landing on the ground, the holy ground of this magical earth. Miraculously, I landed softly.

There are some that do a certain type of practice, a sadhana during this time of apparent pause at the end of contraction, the out-breath in the natural cycles of life, and before the expansion. I did too this year, a more formal one, with a little ritual at the end, intentions finally condensed into three words, each full of meanings, practices, transformation and beingness, meanings particular to my process at this time. Released, surrendered, may it be so.


Breaking up with Sugar was easier than I thought

Playing around with changing what and how much I eat isn’t new for me and I have settled on basically healthy organic foods, increasingly self grown.

Once in my life I went on a 2 week diet to prepare/purify for an important event. It was lemon juice maple syrup, and it was the worst food experience I ever had because it permanently shifted my body’s metabolism, my gums were bleeding. I did lose a lot of weight but I didn’t feel purified.

I now do intermittent fasting, as in I basically never have breakfast and don’t usually eat before 10am at the earliest, often not till noon.

I came across  Eric Edmeades  through a Mindvalley Masterclass. I liked him, his approach and presentation. Then a friend of mine signed up for the whole 3 month WilfFit program and shared a few things. Wow, this guy is brilliant in how he goes about it. Then his mini quest: & days to Breaking up with Sugar” was made free, and I took it.

Click here for it

Eric  makes sooooo much sense. Anyhow, it was not the super easiest week because I love my little sweet treats. While I had been maintaining a good weight, there was this belly fat that just would not leave. Sticking with the week’s experiment was easier than expected, and surprisingly, it stuck. I now still have some fruit, also sweet potatoes and some bread, but not treats and slowly that fat is being burned. After lunch there still is the faint desire for sweet, but not having it is easy. And overall, I feel better, have more energy.

I highly recommend this quest to anyone who is struggling with weight, their relationship with food, is prediabetic or who just wants to stop putting a very destructive, addictive substance into their body. You’ll  learn a lot at the very least.

Is there more to a healthy “diet”? Yes, but breaking up with sugar is a very good start.


Apples according to sweetness

Best Nutrition for the human body – 001

Recently I made a commitment to write nutritional, holistic wellbeing posts regularly. This is the first, short and sweet.

I have this image about apples in my files, from somewhere on the internet, there was no credit given, so I don’t know who made it. I thought it was interesting. How is it relevant? Sugar, just notice it.