healing from c-PTSD Let The Healing Begin The Unruly Gardener Speaks

How being in second life helped me grow up and heal

A few years ago, the Institute for the Development of the Harmonious Human Being (IDHHB) started an exploration into using Second Life (SL) as a work tool, a tool for transformation and service as well as a tool to stimulate past life memories and broaden one’s consciousness footprint. It was an ever changing environment then, with lots of activities and changing sceneries and lots to learn. This blog post is more focused on my own journey than all that was happening back then in the Ashram (that would be filling a book).

Even though I felt a little bit like I felt when the call went out to join safaris in D2 a decade earlier, meaning some trepidation and a hint of disdain, if I were honest, I didn’t really know anything about Second Life or the people that go there.

I decided to participate and of course, as with the exploration of any new area, there were growing pains. At that time, child avatars were still permitted, and I found myself drawn to those more than the adults or non-human characters. I had a few adult ones, but on a subtle level, noticed a resistance to using them. So unless it was required to show up as an adult, I started out exploring as a child. This was at a time I had not actually put a name to the nature nor the extent of the trauma that I have had to deal with all my life, as trauma is in the nervous system but I didn’t remember anything commonly recognized as trauma, so I was never aware that that was what I was dealing with.  However,