Birdie Transformation Program

Birdie – Week 31

Birdie Transformation Program

Week 31

Let It Be

In our world, the physical world we have come to know, we don’t always like or appreciate what is happening to us or in the world in general. What we dislike or get upset about is different from different people and their background and up-bringing. This practice is about the everyday things in our lives we habitually get upset about or feel hurt by or that sadden us.

Here we all are and something appears to be happening.

This week, practice: let it be.

Simply notice what is happening. Sense what is going on in your body, observe what is going on in your environment.

Whatever it is – It IS. This is happening. Right now.

Breathe, connect with the infinite peaceful space in which all is arising. Accept what is. Be present.

Say okay.

Yes, this is happening.

Look at what is happening with loving-kindness.

From there, action may arise, or not.

By relaxing, staying connected with yourself, you won’t get stressed out, hurting your endocrine system or say or do something stupid. You don’t need to deal with the drama.

You start trusting in the divine unfolding of events.

You realize you don’t have to control what is happening.

You may end up contributing actively to the unfolding, or not. You may say yes or no. You may change where you are or who you are with or how you need to live your life. You may want to set boundaries. Whatever it is, YES to that too.

But first, accept what is. Don’t rant against it, don’t complain, don’t resist it, don’t fight it.

Let it be what it is.

Let them be who they are.

And be who you are.

Birdie Transformation Program

Week 30 – Birdie Transformation Program

Birdie Transformation Program

Week 30


Contemplate the qualities of caring.

What is caring?

What does it usually mean when we say in: I don’t care?

Is there such a thing as caring fatigue from too much caring?

How do you care for yourself?

Birdie Transformation Program

Birdie Transformation Week 29

Birdie Transformation

Week 29

Read up and understand what is meant by

“Spiritual bypassing”

Also: what is the subset of people for whom traditional meditation might not be such a great idea – and why?

Birdie Transformation Program

Birdie Transformation Program Week 28

Birdie Transformation Program

Week 28

How to begin seeing others as having Buddha Nature

A meditation

This is meant as an aide. It requires from you willingness to participate, play, explore, use your imagination, suspend judgment and a willingness to open.

You might have heard or read about how everything is connected to everything else. Most people on the spiritual path also probably are familiar with this, from the Christian faith: “Love others as your Self”, or the practice to recognize Buddha nature in others in Buddhism. You might have also noticed some resistance to doing that, or found yourself not able to love others at all, especially looking at how they seem to act or what they are doing to the world and its creatures.

Some of you are familiar with the Clear Light Prayer from the American Book of the Dead. The prayer/reading is posted in its entirety below.

We will be working with this phrase from the prayer:

“…All that I have been conscious of is my own play of consciousness, a dance of light, the swirling patterns of light in infinite extension, endless endlessness,….”

During this Birdie program you (hopefully, by now) already have created in your home a space for certain activities of practice, a space where you feel safe.

Sit there (or lay down, as you need), take a few breaths about twice as long as you normally would. Let go of everything that came before this time and any plans for later. Should there be any emotions or thoughts, be a kind presence to them and allow them to move on. Everything that arises in your awareness, be it thoughts, feelings, sensations, you name it, is just being noticed without being judged. Remember, any emotions that might arise in the process can be met with welcome and warmth. Who you are is bigger than any emotions or fears. After a while, you will notice in you a slowing down, a calming and spaciousness.

Now it is time to play. Begin to imagine yourself as being the shape you are – only – your body is made of light. It does not matter what the light looks like to your inner eye, what shape or colors, with or without movement of the light. Notice the light form. Are any especially bright spots, dark spots, any colors?

Stay with that for a bit and then, imagine the object you sit on, your space and then the room also to be of light, in whatever form that light appears to you.

Expand your inner eye’s vision further now, imagining the house, your town, the landscape all as light, all connected. Go further your country, the planet, the universe and see light – light in infinite extension – of which everything and everyone is part of, all arising in the same space.

You, the natural world, all the people you know, all the people you don’t know, everyone and everything everywhere is connected in one space that is conscious.

Stay with that imagery for a while if you can.

Everything is part of that light existing.

Do this a few times during this week. There will be a time when it stops just being “imagination” and you begin to realize its truth in a way that would be difficult to describe.

However, in your daily life, remembering this can mean to be able to connect on a deeper level, to yourself and others, than the outward manifestation of speech and behavior. No matter what happens anywhere, it is a play of consciousness and everything you do or don’t do to any part of this, including yourself, you have done to all. All the work you are doing to overcome ignorance, you do for all. At their base, everything and everyone, no matter what you(r ego) thinks about their personal looking appearance and actions, is a manifestation of that same ONE.

Staying connected to a deeper part of yourself will enable you to be in this world less as contracted/reactive ego and more as an active benevolent being at peace with itself.

This work does not mean to neglect your body-mind in your everyday life, it simply gives you a glimmer of the ground to be in that is not rooted in the 3-dimensional world.

Confronting the Clear Light

Now I am experiencing the Clear Light of objective reality. Nothing is happening, nothing ever has happened or ever will happen. My present sense of self, the voyager, is in reality the void itself, having no qualities or characteristics. I remember myself as the voyager, whose deepest nature is the Clear Light itself; I am one; there is no other. I am the voidness of the void, the eternal unborn, the uncreated, neither real nor unreal. All that I have been conscious of is my own play of consciousness, a dance of light, the swirling patterns of light in infinite extension, endless endlessness, the Absolute beyond change, existence, reality. I, the voyager, am inseparable from the Clear Light; I cannot be born, die, exist, or change. I know now that this is my true nature.

Birdie Transformation Program

Birdie TP week 27

Birdie Transformation Program

Manage your Energy

In the ideal state, there is flow of universal energy happening freely through a balanced us and we would not really have to spend time or effort to manage “our’ energy.

On the other hand, our bodies, both the physical as well as energy bodies, are manifesting both as a unit embedded in universal energy as well as individual units with boundaries and varying capacities.

We are profoundly affected by the energies of others and the world in which we live.

Some of those energies are sustaining and supportive and generally enabling for living and working.

We are responsible for the maintenance of our physical and energetic bodies.

Some of our encounters with other energies, as well as some internal disturbances and patterns, can leave us unbalanced or depleted.

In an unbalanced state certain tasks or states of being are difficult, if not impossible, to realize.

Choose a couple of questions from the ones below to contemplate:

What is it that your bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) need to function optimally?

How are you feeling?

Are there energetic elements missing, or, too much present? For example: flexibility, comfort, warmth, vigor, cold, fiery, calm. Does there need to be more internal space?

At a very elemental level, nature provides energies for us which can re-balance any body out of balance. You all know the elements Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Space. How would you go about receiving some of those energies?

Which element do you feel you might need more of? Which element might you have too much of?

Where in your body and mind is energy getting stuck and not flowing freely?

A hint is: anywhere where there is pain, no matter what kind of pain, physical, emotional, spiritual.

It is time to give it benevolent space.

If your energy system were running optimally, what would that feel like or look like for you? Imagine it in detail.

Point to ponder: no matter which element you might need more of to come into balance, there needs to be some ability and willingness to be open to more energy flow. This can cause some temporary turbulances if a certain area has been frozen or shut off for a long time.

Explore: in a relaxed state, using your own voice and varying sounds, vibrate various areas of your body. Take at least 15 or 20 minutes for this. Notice the effect.

Birdie Transformation Program

Birdie Transformation – week 26

Birdie Transformation Program

Week 26

Compare these quotes by E.J. Gold. The first one was used for many many years, and later, it got changed to the second.

1 – “….the most powerful force for work on self is to be willing to endure
unpleasant manifestations of others without resentment, expressions
of displeasure, or the demand for intelligence, reason, conscience or
justice on part of the others. ….”

2 – “….the most powerful force for work on self is to be willing to embrace
unpleasant manifestations of others without resentment, expressions
of displeasure, or the demand for intelligence, reason, conscience or
justice on part of the others. ……..”

Contemplate the difference, but more so, feel the difference.

Contemplate on compassion and unconditional love. What is the difference for you?

When considering someone who has hurt you, can you feel compassion for them.?
Can you love them?

Consider these forms of love
“Eros” or Erotic Love. The first kind of love is Eros, which is named after the Greek god of love and fertility. …
“Philia” or Affectionate Love. …
“Storge” or Familiar Love. …
“Ludus” or Playful Love. …
“Mania” or Obsessive Love. …
“Pragma” or Enduring Love. …
“Philautia” or Self Love. …
“Agape” or Selfless Love.

Divine unconditional Love feels like fully embodied compassion. It has a joyous, unconditionally welcoming aspect to it.
Compassion, when embodied fully, expresses as unconditional openhearted fully present divine love.

In that state, resistance melts, negativity of any kind cannot persist.

This does not mean that the physical presence or confrontation with others does not trigger reactions.
It does not mean your nervous systems suddenly is completely transformed and no tiredness or stress or whatever other influence can’t trigger contraction and reaction.

Remaining that open in the physical presence of benevolent others, rather than when in a meditative state somewhere else, is a step on this journey. Remaining openhearted in an environment that is interpreted as a threat is yet another step.

It does not have to happen all at once.

Here is the complete quote

Note for Self-Study:

Always remember that work is done in ordinary life – and that the
most powerful force for work on self is to be willing to endure
unpleasant manifestations of others without resentment, expressions
of displeasure, or the demand for intelligence, reason, conscience or
justice on part of the others. Endure silently and cheerfully, and
suffer in the stewpot of tension, stress and intentional restraint.
There is no better single method for fusion of the Third Body than
this little – and invisible to others – technique.

it can be found in

The Lost Works
E.J. Gold
chapter  Nine
Work on groups
Page 109

Birdie Transformation Program

Birdie transformation Program week 25

Birdie Transformation Program

Week 25

It is time to journey

1 – Think about going on a short journey into a different, foreign to you, country.

You are allowed a small backpack.

List what you would like take with you.

When done, read on to the next part.

2 – You are going on what appears to be a short journey – only using your spirit-body.

List what you would like to take with you.

3 – You are going home where you came from, where your soul originated.

What would you like to bring?

Blessings for your journeys

Birdie Transformation Program

Birdie Transformation Program Week 24

Birdie Transformation Program

Week 24


This practice is to be done daily, numerous times, including and especially when you are triggered or feel troubled

1 – Love

Put your hand on your heart – say aloud to your heart, or silently, depending on the circumstances: “I love you my heart”.

Addressed to the guides, elders and the divine, say: “You know my heart”. This indicates complete transparency and willingness to be totally exposed.

End with “I love you my heart”.

2 – Trust

Trust the process, the universe, the divine, the divine forces to bring about the circumstances and changes needed for your transformation and evolution.

3 – Receive

Be open to receive. This might necessitate some exploration into limiting beliefs you hold about receiving or being deserving to receive.

4 – Be

Be who you are

Birdie Transformation Program

Birdie Transformation Program Week 23

Birdie Transformation Program

Week 23

Imagine the qualities that are original to your essential soul.

Never mind if you feel you can’t imagine, if you could imagine the original qualities of your soul, which would they be?

Imagine yourself at the point where your essential Soul-Self just emerged from the Ground of Being, the voidness. You are no longer being without characteristics, but also not having history, karma or tendencies due to any incarnation.

Which qualities do you see, sense, or feel or know that you are or have as that essential soul-self?

Holding that consideration, spend a few minutes very day this week and imagine, wonder, or feel those qualities, and make a list of what comes to mind.

If those qualities were expressed in your life fully, what would that look like or feel like?

To which degree are those qualities actually available to you in your life?

How could you, this week, express some of the qualities of your original Soul-Self?

Can you think of any practices that would help align you as the human to manifest qualities of your original Soul? Please share any that you feel would work.

For those online, share at least a few of the qualities in our facebook group.


Your essential self, your deepest nature, is one and non-distinguishable from the Absolute. This deepest nature is always deepest nature of everyone and everything.

What is meant here as essential soul is the part of being that has manifested as you specifically.

Have fun with it and be open to surprises.

Birdie Transformation Program

Birdie Transformation Program Week 22

Birdie Transformation Program

Week 22

Imagine going vibrationally/electrically/energetically to the highest most original intention of your being.

See that slowing down all the way to manifesting as you.

What happened?