Miscellaneous musings

Why are there humans on Earth?

Somewhere I have read: asking why is not the right question, but here it is anyway.

This one is about what we are doing here, incarnate, on this planet, embodied as humans.

Do you know that feeling sense where it all feels pointless, all of life just activities occupying oneself with things to do till you die? This is true regardless of how you look at it, simulation, game, a tiny seemingly insignificant blip in the vastness of all that is?

It does not matter what it is you do, you get spawned, start developing, get birthed, grow up. During that process, your nervous system gets conditioned according to your inner tendencies, family and culture and natural environment, as in an Eskimo needs to adapt to different weather than someone born in a tropical jungle or the desert.

During the first few years you are like a sponge learning and, as it is the case for everyone, you tried to get through the best you can to young adulthood.

You then live through the hormone dominated phase and the doing your life’s stuff, more or less as programmed in most cases.

You get older and wiser, after all, no matter what, you gained experience.

And you enjoy or tolerate or cherish or endure, be it pain or pleasure, feeling good or bad, whatever is there in the final phase of life. Is it all finding stuff to do till you die, no matter how you describe it or what team you are playing on – to finally cease to exist on this plane.

This earth life stuff as a human, what IS the point?

It matters not if you have a very traumatized nervous system and spend your life digging yourself out to a place that every person at the end of their teens ought to be at in order to live life as a human to the fullest – creative, connected, being benevolent, or you start out being an integrated human being and create all manner of good things for yourself to enjoy the riches of life. In each case, you can add the dimension where you do for others, where you realize all you do always affects the whole, which is infinitely bigger than you, and you start considering that. Maybe in each case, you end up realizing that unless you do for others, be it humans or other sentient beings, there really wasn’t much point at all.

In case of those traumatized and feeling unloved in early life, maybe it took years to realize who you are, essentially, to then finally be able to surrender to a greater truth?

Maybe you came to understand that all experience is happening in the greater body of Christ, or the divine being that is and without which nothing IS.

Maybe you realize humans, being the animal body they are, have an ability not only to move and feel, and feel deeply, no, they also have the ability to self reflect.

Humans have the ability to contemplate free will.

They have the ability to come to consciously understand their feeling nature and free will, a freedom even within the constraints of their respective societies and internal structures, like nervous system, general health and maturity, and the laws of the land they live in.

Humans have the ability to consciously experience everything.

Humans have the ability to become consciously inner directed in their way of going about the day and night.

And still, there is still that aspect of…so what?

Because is it not still simply on the level of pleasure and pain and feeling good or bad, whatever that entails for you? And if it is not that duality, it is the more or less inclusive ladder.

So you are healthy, you are mature, you are capable….to what end?

What is it that is the purpose of all life on earth, not just the purpose of human life or your life?

Is creating simply a part of that which is, G*D, a quality of the most basic original Being itself, which also would include the individuated you, since you exist in universal consciousness?

Is this picture-show of earth happening all “just” in the mind of G*D?

Experiencing is happening. Reality as slowed down light in the 3rd dimension.

And slowly there arises the understanding, it is all G*D experiencing itself. Nothing more.

Is there anything that gets retained, remembered of our personal life here? Is there anything that endures? Is there an aspect of G*D that evolves and could it be that only conscious life out of free will can serve that evolution? And is it not already simply G*D doing that? Are you not, at core, basically and always already free and radiant?

There is the profound non-moving stillness and I appreciate more and more the description of it through the Clear Light Prayer (below).

And there is, always, some manifest universe, and we humans are beings that got to completely, utterly forget the deepest nature of our selves and be creative while feeling disconnected with somewhat free will.

We are, as humanity, clawing ourselves back to consciousness – or, some of us are.

The more forgetful we were, the more automatic our lives, the more driven we were by the programs embedded in earthly creatures and their societies.

Where in the cycle of the great forgetting and awakening do you see yourself?

What is your location in the entire spectrum of Being?

Your task is being there, exactly where you are.

Really be – with all your passion, awareness and intent and willingness and  feel what there is to be felt.

There is no better or worse, it just might feel better or worse.

Not one thing more than another, neither attracted nor repelled.

The only thing worth it, the only thing that makes sense, is to love. Love!

Love that which is.

Ride the waves of emotion without holding on to any.

Love is deeper than that.

Discover the original qualities of the divine prior the restriction and contortions of the great forgetting and desperate attempts to cope and survive in a world of separation.

Human potential is just scratching the surface of what is possible.

As energy beings, we can manifest according to highest intention. This is amazing and the self healing and creative potential is only now emerging.

Telepathy and living of light directly are possible, but not required.

Still, it is simply another diversion? I mean, this human potential thing and evolution and belief to contribute to it? Maybe a diversion worth considering?

So we each come to our own conclusion about if anything is worth doing, or not doing, based on where we are in our place in evolution as individual cells of this divine body.

Simultaneously, we are embedded into the same body of G*D, influenced by the entirety of its beingness.

The more power we have, the more we can influence living conditions of others, and – the tools of power, creativity and curiosity can be used for creating of life sustaining or life destroying endeavors.

Where do YOU stand at this point in time? What game are YOU playing?

Where is your commitment?

As part of the divine wholeness, we all, each and every one, has access to any state from the most destructive, mean, and cruel, to the most divine, pleasurable and loving or “enlightened”. We all have access to any and all opposites that there exist in this realm.

And then there is the realm beyond the dualities of good and bad. What is there? Is it true that out of nothingness there was light and it is love?

Because, basically and fundamentally, Love is all that is.

How can you actually realize that?

It matters not what you do, it matters only that you love, do what you do with love, be who your are with love. Learn to become a conscious manifestation of love.

It took a long time, but having grown up catholic, I did have to listen to sermons and parables so many time, that I remember a lot of it.

The new testament is all about love.

Love for G*d first, love for they neighbor next. These days I realize, everyone and everything is your neighbor.

Depending on what you encountered coming into this world, you are now dealing with various types of nervous system conditioning, thoughts and beliefs. Your life experience is colored by that. It is up to you to clarify your conditioning and resulting thoughts and beliefs, knots and energy blocks – to the degree you choose, or to the degree necessary to life your life.

There is a thing about talents in the new testament. A master gives his servants talents before leaving. The servants worked with it, and all doubled it, but the one with one talent, he didn’t think it was worth it and buried it, not losing it. At the end, everyone doubled it, except that one. And the Master said…I gave you one talent, but you didn’t do anything with it. I don’t remember what happened, the point is: If you got one talent, double that till the end of your life (when the mater returns). If you got 5 talents, double those, if you got 100, return 100 times the result as if you had gotten one.

Don’t compare yourself and your life to others.

Everyone is a different player, got a different hand of cards to play, and everyone plays with a different party.

You can move

You can learn to play better

You can discover what serving G*D means.

You can play with love.

That is up to you.

Myself, I am for payment of a universal salary for everyone. A salary which guarantees the following: a safe place to stay and basic, healthy food and water with a small allowance for transportation. No luxuries. The rest is up to you, and if you wanted to stay in your room and meditate all your life, you could.

As it is on this planet today, when 24 or so individuals own as much as almost 4 billion people combined, there is something inherently unhealthy and unkind about that. When for the sake of power and money of a few, the entire planet is being destroyed, there is something gone astray.

Not one thing more than another, which side are you playing on?

When you open yourself to feeling, you can’t help but wanting to relieve suffering.

The question becomes: how?

Being totally open allows for inspiration, knowing, right action and creativity to start spontaneously flowing.

The “how to” open, that is your path on the ascending, evolutionary part of the great circle of movement of incarnation, the cycle of becoming flesh and then ascending, returning to source while embodied. How that actually looks like for you, that is your path again….no one else can know it the way you do. Being embodied AND being fully conscious and fully feeling has got the be the most difficult task there is.

Yes, there are gifts of the divine that lead to awakening experiences. For most of us, it takes intention, dedication, practice and work.

It is only in being consciously embodied, being here, only while the machine is awake, to speak with the language of “The Human Biological Machine as a Transformational Apparatus”, that real transformation of the essential self is happening – and that transformation is something that survives.

At the same time, it is true what E.J. Gold says here:  A big heart is worth more than a thousand big brains.

The real secret is in feeling while being present, the secret is in the heart or love.

This is the Clear Light Prayer:

The Clear Light Reading

Now I am experiencing the Clear Light of objective reality. Nothing is happening, nothing ever has happened or ever will happen. My present sense of self, the voyager, is in reality the void itself, having no qualities or characteristics. I remember myself as the voyager, whose deepest nature is the Clear Light itself; I am one; there is no other. I am the voidness of the void, the eternal unborn, the uncreated, neither real nor unreal. All that I have been conscious of is my own play of consciousness, a dance of light, the swirling patterns of light in infinite extension, endless endlessness, the Absolute beyond change, existence, reality. I, the voyager, am inseparable from the Clear Light; I cannot be born, die, exist, or change. I know now that this is my true nature.

–From American Book of the Dead by E.J. Gold