Birdie Transformation Program

Birdie Transformation Program week 14

Birdie Transformation Program

Week 14


On the path of the development of the harmonious human being, there are practices and investigations that have shown to be beneficial.

The thing with practice is this: it only works if you practice, at that usually means regularly. Unlike a spontaneous awakening experience that comes, at least in part, as a gift from Grace, certain desired lasting changes in your development, also called stages of development, can be helped along through engagement in stage appropriate practices.

This week we are called to review the weeks of the Birdie Transformation Program we have had so far and reflect of what is happening with us in relation to it.

Have you done, at least sometimes, any or all the tasks, exercises or practices as they were given for a certain week?

Is there a practice you have taken on and incorporated into your life?

Examples: maybe the daily morning minute was doable? Have you been giving the cells of your body more of the actual necessary nutrients they need for optimal functioning? Are you able to know/sense what is actually going on in your body – a few times per day or maybe all day long? Maybe you found keeping a gratitude journal helped so much that it has become a habit? Maybe connecting with your body through super slow movement or gentle touch and massage has had a healing effect. Maybe finding out about the nervous system and early trauma was important?

What effects or changes have you noticed in your life in the last 3 months, if any?

This week is simply a review of where we have been in the preceding Birdie Transformation Program weeks. There is time for looking at what is happening with us.